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Yes, We Stand With Israel. DEAL WITH IT (We're So Happy We Made the List!)


Michael Tracey put a list of 'right-wing media outlets' that are fanatically pro-Israel together ... as if we're the bad guys or something. 

Weird, right?

I've gotta admit, though, the 'fanatical' piece made me laugh. Not too long ago, supporting Israel was common sense, it's what Americans did because Israel is our greatest ally. Or rather, was, until this administration turned its back on them and even knowingly withheld key intel that they're now trying to bribe them with. They impeached Trump over the idea of him withholding aid to Ukraine because he wanted dirt on Biden ... we literally know Biden is withholding aid from Israel and wants to use it to keep them from ending Hamas terrorists and freeing Israeli and AMERICAN hostages.

How is this guy not impeached ALREADY? C'mon, Republicans. Grow a set.


Anywho, here is Tracey's list and I have to say, as the Managing Editor here at Twitchy, am I beyond pleased that WE MADE IT. Honestly, I think we should have t-shirts printed up saying that WE MADE THE LIST!

Take a look:

His whiny post continues:

-Washington Times
-Washington Examiner
-One America News
-Real America's Voice
-Christian Broadcasting Network
-The Blaze-Daily Mail
-The Free Press
-The Federalist
-Gateway Pundit
-Salem Radio Network
-Right Side Broadcasting Network
-Western Journal
-Human Events
-PJ Media
-Hot Air
-Twitchy (!!!)
-Drudge Report
-Daily Caller

See?! We're right there! Oh sure, I bolded our name and put some exclamation points after it but Tracey put us on the list.

Seriously, so proud of us.

It's just so bizarre.

See why I'm glad we made the list?



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