I remember back when Obama was still president and anytime any of us disagreed with him or his policies, our good, sweet, tolerant, thoughtful, unbiased pals on the Left would call us racists.
Every single time.
Don't like Obamacare? RACIST!
Don't like bowing to our enemies around the world? RACIST!
Don't like sending billions of dollars to Iran? RACIST!
It was constant and quite frankly, annoying AF. Many of you were probably around then and remember it all too well. They called us 'racist' so much that the word lost all meaning, and then, when a bunch of actual racists did eventually show up nobody really cared or seemed to notice all that much. Of course, those same racists (lookin' at you, Richard Spencer) decided to endorse Biden but that's another article.
I think it's safe to say that the word Nazi has also started to go the way of the word racist. Disagree with a Democrat? NAZI. Support Trump? NAZI. Understand that men can't be women? NAZI.
And like clockwork, now the real Nazis are starting to show up ... anti-Semitism is on the rise in this country and all around the WORLD. And it's terrifying. Especially when you see hate-filled garbage like this.
“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 11, 2023
Angry anti-Israel protester sharing his twisted views today in London.
🇬🇧🇮🇱 Via @ThevoiceAlexa for @RebelNewsOnline pic.twitter.com/W9MMoRWiH5
You guys, I don't even know where to begin with this. Are we as a society really so lost that this man is comfortable praising Hitler for what he did to the Jews? How is this acceptable? Granted, this is in the UK but I don't doubt this could be in our country as well after watching the levels of anti-Semitism here go through the roof. This past week we covered a young woman (man, whatever) calling a Jewish student a 'k*ke' for reminding them what would happen to them under Palestinian rule. Endless attacks on people like Gad Saad, Jewish students afraid for their lives on their college campuses ... IN AMERICA. We have never needed a strong leader more than we do now, and all we have is Biden.
Pray for our country.
Pray for our people.
And most of all, pray for the Jews and Israel.