If you have spent any time following the trans-movement and people pushing back AGAINST it then you're familiar with Kellie-Jay Keen. She's a self-proclaimed pro-choice, pro-marriage-equality, atheist who has been on the front lines of this 'battle' proving that women of all political backgrounds and ideas stand firmly against a bunch of men trying to take over our experiences, sports, and spaces.
She crossed my timeline this morning because an anti-woman trans author named Shaneel Lal accused Christians of putting stickers on his book that define what a woman really is.
Except Christians are not responsible for the sticker ... Keen is.
And she called him out:
I created this sticker. I’m pro choice, pro marriage equality, and a gold star atheist.This man is anti women, whips up mob violence against women who wish to speak, and is somehow advising the New Zealand government on sex ed in schools. I would not trust him with anyone’s kids pic.twitter.com/P16th4pC6v
— Kellie-Jay Keen (@ThePosieParker) September 3, 2023
Men like Lal pretend it's only those big mean Christians who have a problem with them trying to take over the world of women so they don't have to accept what they're pushing is very unpopular even with people who may agree with them on other issues. It's those hateful TERFS who are the problem, not a bunch of men who look like really ugly women claiming they're oppressed because nobody believes they're women.
It's honestly pathetic and infuriating, all in one. Especially for women like Keen who are most definitely pro-choice and pro same-sex marriage.
— Kellie-Jay Keen (@ThePosieParker) September 3, 2023
In case you want some of your own stickers.
This #letwomenspeak movement welcomes all women regardless of their religion, race, ability/disability, class, sexual orientation or views. It’s a genuinely inclusive grass roots movement. We defend the rights of women and children against this pernicious, dishonest woman…
— Kellie-Jay Keen (@ThePosieParker) September 3, 2023
The funniest thing is he mentions “same-sex marriage”, without acknowledging that the concept of same-sex marriage relies on the reality that women are adult human females and men are adult human males.
— Sall Grover (@salltweets) September 3, 2023
Ding ding ding.
You describe where I am to a "t". But somehow, now, we pro-choice, pro-marriage equality atheists have been labeled as "right wing" because we believe in biological reality.
— Commonsensical Human (@Lol19559014) September 3, 2023
This is "Alice through the looking glass" distortion, purposely being used as a weapon against the women…
Yup. The trans movement has found a way to unite women who typically disagree on so much.
Which says a lot about the movement and none of its any good.
But you guys knew that.