Meet Alan Baker.
Oh, my bad, we're not allowed to use his real name, right? Let me try that again.
Meet Sarah Jane Baker who used to be Alan Baker. Alan ... sorry, dangit ... Sarah is a trans activist who has spent the last 25 years in jail for attempted murder. Please note I am refraining from making a joke or snide comment about how we should never have closed the asylums. Oops, I guess by making that point I sort of did make a joke about it. My bad.
Welp, anyway, this totally sane and not at all bats**t mouthbreather was protesting yesterday during Trans Pride Day or whatever they were calling it, and he (she) said trans activists should punch women in the f**king face.
Well, (s)he said TERF, which is basically any woman like me who refuses to give up our spaces, histories, sports, etc.
Watch this:
Trans activist who spent 25 years in jail for kidnap, torture & attempted murder appeared on stage at London Trans Pride today waving an ANTIFA flag:
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) July 8, 2023
“If you see a TERF punch them in the f**ing face.”
Sarah Jane Barker spent 25 years in Jail for the attempted murder of a…
If any one of these ugly dudes in dresses tries to hit me, they better knock me down. And run. I'm done being threatened, I'm done being harassed, I'm done being targeted because I am naturally who they want to be.
Who they never WILL be.
That's science. That's reality. Deal with it.
And no amount of makeup, or hormones, or surgeries, or blockers will change that.
— theotherron (@theotherRon) July 9, 2023
He seems like a nice bloke
— Mikey007 /טוביה בן יהודה (Toviyah Ben Yehuda) (@Mikey007007) July 9, 2023
Transtifa is a self correcting problem since they won’t breed and are sterilizing themselves.
— AliceInCommieLand (@howfardownhole) July 9, 2023
That works.
That’s an angry man.
— NikiIsAwesome (@niki91c30) July 9, 2023
That is the patriarchy.
And picking a fight his butt can't cash with a bunch of women who are sick and tired of this crap.
So, good luck with that, BRO.