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SPLC says it's OK to say gay even though you know, it's ALWAYS been ok to say gay so GMAFB!


Did you know you can say gay?


And guess what, you always have been able to. RIGHT?! I know. It's crazy to think there's not some evil law, say in FLORIDA, that forbids you from literally even SAYING GAY. But there's not, sorry crazy people on the Left who still insist that's a thing.


This makes me crazy. The idea that someone must identify by their sex, color, creed, ability/disability, or by the person they have sex with ... I find that entire idea anti-American and anti-liberty. We are not defined by our pieces and parts, we are defined by who we are via our character and actions. I learned this from working in disability advocacy for years and years and years because people with developmental disabilities GET IT. They don't want to be defined by their disability, they want to be defined by WHO they are.

Some of the smartest people in this country (this world) have a disability, just sayin'.

Meanwhile, we have large groups of blubbering, whiny, woke Lefties shaking their little fists and doing their damnedest to divide us all up into nice, neat little boxes BASED on a convenient and easily pandered-to identity. Oh, you're gay. Oh, you're trans. Oh, you're a woman ... oh, wait, they can't define women.

My bad.

For example, the Southern Poverty Law Center (you know, the group that claimed a bunch of moms who don't want their kids inundated with adult themes and politics at school are a hate group) put out this stupid tweet.


I seriously feel like this every time someone says it's not ok to say gay:

What a pandering, pathetic, partisan, post.

Check out the alliteration ... 

Are we really this stupid as a society?

Don't answer that.

I mean really, is that too much to ask?


Nice try though, SPLC.


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