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Starbucks and Seattle Times' reactions to GOP candidate telling the TRUTH about progressive policies proves Dems are in TROUBLE

The truth is, Democrat policies are not only hurting their voters and constituents, but they’re hurting us all.

Sorry, not sorry.

And hey, I get it. It’s hard for Democrats to admit they’re destroying their own cities and states (they have been for decades now) but c’mon, we can see it happening right in front of our faces. Especially in states like Washington.

How many stores have shut down because of the crime in their neighborhoods in Seattle? Remember the ‘Summer of Love’? Chaz? They might as well have made a series called ‘Progressives Gone Wild’ and featured the mess they made of that city.

And continue to make of that city.

Like other blue states (Virginia!), people of all political persuasions are sick and tired of the violent crime, woke nonsense, and bizarre policies in public schools, and they are ready to vote for Republicans like Tiffany Smiley in November to make it stop.

That’s probably why Starbucks and the Seattle Times both sent her a cease and desist letter for daring to show them in her brutally honest ad.


GOP candidate Tiffany Smiley told the TRUTH and that ain’t good for Democrats.

Oooh, that’s right.

It was literally destroyed by the so-called anti-fascists near CHAZ.

But you know, Tiffany should cease and desist telling the truth.

It’s a dump.

That’s what Democrats do to communities – they destroy them and then pretend they did it in the name of equity.


They know reality is not on their side or a good thing for them so of course, they’re going to try and shut it all down.

Imagine if they worked this hard on actually fixing the problems their progressive policies cause.

This would be AMAZING.


But SHE’S the problem.


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