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HACK AF! Aaron Rupar's attempt to make Gov. Youngkin look stupid by taking him OUT of context does NOT go well

You know things are looking really really really bad for our pals in the Democratic Party when they’re water carriers are going to such great lengths to try and make Republicans look stupid. They are especially fussy about Glenn Youngkin since many people see his win in supposedly BLUE Virginia in 2021 as the first domino to fall.


Aaron Rupar for example, tried this.

Right, because Youngkin doesn’t know where Virginia is.


If you watch the entire clip, you see Aaron has taken Youngkin out of context and deliberately left off the rest of the quote.

It’s … sad.

This reads.

Something like that.

But if he finished the quote he can’t feed this to a bunch of other idiots who desperately want Youngkin to be stupid.

There it is.


It’s amazing to look through the responses at how willing they are to take Aaron at his word and just go with it. Anyone can watch the short clip (even though it’s edited) to see that Youngkin was saying Virginia is a border state due to all of the fentanyl overdoses they’re dealing with.

But look at these people …

All the eye rolls.

The irony.


Democrats not only lost Virginia, but they lost badly.

And they know this is only the beginning.

So just point and laugh at them.

There is this point as well:


Either way, Rupar is wrong here.

And that works out nicely.



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Editor’s Note:
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