There are few people more disappointing on the ‘Right’ to me than Rick Wilson.
Full disclosure you guys, I used to think he was awesome. I KNOW. It’s true though, I thought his take-no-prisoners engagement was the bomb-diggity and something I could relate to since I was of the same mindset when fighting stupid people on the Left. I hate to admit it but he had me conned.
He did.
Especially when I was anti-Trump (I really was not a fan in 2015, like at all, you guys) I felt like he was someone I could look up to. But then Trump won the nod and the presidency, and while I decided to do the best with what we had (and not only was I pleasantly surprised with his policies, but I voted Trump in 2020), Rick decided to go nuclear and not only attack Trump, but he started going after the entire movement. Like, anyone who didn’t hate Trump was suddenly BAD and the Never Trump movement became this ugly thing that empowered and enabled the Left. It stopped being about conserving conservatism and turned into hate all things conservative because ORANGE MAN BAD.
I get it, Rick and the rest of The Lincoln Project turnips do whatever it is they do for a living and are trying to make a buck (note: anyone telling you they do this JUST BECAUSE OF COUNTRY is lying their asses off, just being honest) but feeding and fueling the idea that Americans who may support Trump or those who simply disagree with Biden are fascists?!
Lowest of the low, Rick.
1/ The slow drumbeat of Authoritarian Classic Hits is increasing in tempo as the DC elites and the media fall into the trap.
Variations of "Well, if Trump is indicted and prosecuted we'll have blood in the streets" is an increasingly common trope.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 29, 2022
The slow drumbeat of horse sh*t is increasing in tempo as this thread goes on.
I’m starting to understand why he never really won anything …
2/ This accepts the predicates of the authoritarian side; the Dear Leader is above justice.
It acknowledges the advantage of a party/movement willing and proven to use political violence to achieve electoral ends.
This is poison for the Republic and for democracy.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 29, 2022
So in essence, Rick is saying anyone who doesn’t think the FBI raid was legit is brainwashed and protecting ‘Dear Leader.’ Oh, and it’s cute how he’s taken to using the words ‘our democracy’ as he relies more and more on Democrats, leftists, and progressives to pay his bills. I’m willing to bet Rick used to know we’re a republic.
3/ It accepts the false assertion than any arm of government that seeks to hold Trump not to political but *legal* account is inherently corrupt, political, and malevolent.
The DOJ isn't being "tested"…it's doing its job.
America, however, is being tested.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 29, 2022
America is being tested.
Excuse me but what a load of ridiculous, self-flagellating garbage. SO PATRIOTIC, RICK.
If this was truly about holding Trump accountable they wouldn’t have waited 18 months to go in … not to mention on some level it’s beginning to look like the DOJ set Trump up.
Watching Rick defend an overreaching government and an administration weaponizing the DOJ – a decade ago I’d have never believed it. Did I mention he’s the biggest disappointment to me? Sheesh.
4/ Trump's history of escaping justice is notable and depressing. It's one of his superpowers, and gives his base a sense of invulnerability and gives Republican leaders a case of swooning vapors at the thought of siding with law-and-order.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 29, 2022
Trump has been investigated so much over the past six years that if they had ANYTHING, they’d have arrested him by now, Rick.
Accept it.
Rick lost more than the election in 2016.
5/ The media faces a particularly tempting variation of this; to turn the coverage into the legal version of he-said she-said horserace coverage.
This isn't just back-and-forth both-sides-have-a-point, folks.
Trump's effect on American political…
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 29, 2022
6/ …is cancerous, hideous, and pervasive, but no more so than his corrupt attempts to suborn the law to protect himself.
The danger of his people rising up if he's indicted, prosecuted, and imprisoned is far, far less consequential than walking away from justice.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 29, 2022
Says the guy who has become a cancer to American politics himself.
7/ If they do rise up to violence, we face a choice; collapse into the long dark or do the hard, correct things to save America from a (not semi) fascist movement.
The New Civil War is here, it's just not evenly distributed yet. (h/t @greatdismal)
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) August 29, 2022
Notice they’re still painting Trump’s supporters as VIOLENT AND DANGEROUS. Guess that whole January 6th narrative is falling apart so they need something else to scare their braindead lemming-like followers with.
Americans are pissed, and rightfully so. What we’re seeing with the DOJ is infuriating and dangerous, all in one. But that doesn’t mean we’re violent or dangerous …
Or fascists.
It means we deserve some real answers, and honestly, the only way we’re going to see that is if (when) we flip the House and Senate red in November.