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'We know what you REALLY think': Biden's lame attempt to pretend he gives a damn about vets pisses both the Right AND the Left off

Biden cares so much about our veterans that he wanted them punished for not vaccinating and got 13 of them killed in Afghanistan. Oh, he also ALMOST forgot to acknowledge DDay … lucky for him, one of the teenage interns who likely run his account remembered and threw something up at the last minute.


Nobody is buying what you’re selling here, Joe.

Or should we say Joe’s intern?

If President Pudding Brain really believed this he wouldn’t support Democrats holding their benefits hostage to pass their grossly expensive spending bill. Just spitballin’.

Interestingly enough, Joe’s tweet pissed both the Right and the Left off.

For different reasons, of course.

Because the reality is Biden doesn’t give a single damn about the brave men and women who serve this country. And if he does, he sure doesn’t show it.



Others chimed in:

The Left is irritated that he’s tweeting about vets and not about forgiving their student loan debt.


Never forget who this guy really is.




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