If you don’t already follow one of our favorite parody accounts, Titania McGrath, you are doing Twitter wrong. She/he/zhe/it/they does such a phenomenal job mocking social justice and its warriors that more often than not people don’t realize she/he/zhe/it/they is a parody.
Which says a whole lot about the social justice movement and ain’t none of it good.
Titania tweeted Brentwood School for girls and ‘thanked’ them for pushing such progressive racial policies, aka segregation.
Take a look.
Congratulations to @brentwoodschool for implementing these progressive racial policies.
Please can you also ensure that the same applies to your cafeteria, school buses and drinking fountains?
✊?/✊? #SeparateButEqual pic.twitter.com/Ehe4J473G8
— Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) January 28, 2021
They segregated EVERYONE by race and their families.
Maybe we missed it but we thought segregation was a bad thing?
This is insane!!!!
— Bridget Phetasy (@BridgetPhetasy) January 28, 2021
Insane is just one word that comes to mind.
Another is RACIST AF.
Ok, that’s more than one word but you get the picture.
Segregation but make it woke
— Barbarella (@bbberrbs) January 28, 2021
Something like that.
I'm so happy that racial segregation is back again. I thought progress and rationality had chased it away. Now do the buses, the diners, the sidewalks, etc, etc
— Citrinitas (@BookOfGates) January 28, 2021
Don’t forget the water fountains!
Just wait until they regulate water fountains and seating arrangements on buses!
— Q Ball BRASIL ???? (@QBallBRASIL1) January 28, 2021
It's so brave of Brentwood to take such a progressive stance. Too many people see racial segregation as a mistake of history.
It takes bold leadership to give it another go. /s— Chris Hodge (@LiberTennessee) January 28, 2021
Notice the little /s at the end. It’s sad that people have to make sure others know something is sarcasm because everything is just that batsh*t and ridiculous.
But what are they trying to achieve? Im not woke enough to get the point I fear. ?
— Esiri Umukoro (@esiriumukoro) January 28, 2021
If you don’t ‘get it’ that’s a good thing.
Reintroduction of Jim Crow.
— Mark Germaine (@MarkGermaine) January 28, 2021
This is just utterly incomprehensible.
— Tubby Tom's Tormentor (@CoachScott113) January 28, 2021
THIS is progressivism.
THIS is the Left.
And you thought 2020 was a crapshow.
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