You know the face you make when you find out your local school board is useless as t*ts on a bull and has decided to open the schools in an all-virtual environment in the fall even though the science and data prove that’s completely unnecessary?
Yup, just made that face.
FIRST READ: The Republican silence on what’s happening in Portland is jarring
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) July 23, 2020
It is Portland we’re talking about, right? Sheesh.
From NBC News:
The Republican silence on what’s happening in Portland is jarring: If you’ve followed American politics over the last 10 years, you might be surprised that Republicans are more outraged at Liz Cheney than they are federal armed agents that just tear-gassed a city’s mayor.
What happened to “Don’t tread on me”?
What happened to states’ rights?
What happened to freedom of speech and assembly?
It’s easy to understand in our current politics why elected Republicans aren’t speaking out against the Department of Homeland Security forces in liberal, urban Portland. (Sen. Rand Paul is one exception.)
But if you lived through the Obama Era, this Republican silence is jarring.
We suppose if NBC News wants the president to ignore these cities burning that’s on them.
Wow, what a stupid write-up.
Like a stupid write-up would walk past this stupid write-up and say, ‘DAMN, that’s stupid.’
Sorry, not sorry, it’s apparent Trump cares more about their constituents than any of these poor, targeted, put-upon mayors do.
What a joke of a take.
Republicans have been screaming from the rooftops about the rioting and violence happening in Portland and federal efforts to stop it.
It's the media that's been "silent" and refuses to cover any of the violence while insisting its all "peaceful."
— Andrew Clark (@AndrewHClark) July 23, 2020
They’re still calling them ‘protesters.’
When they start setting buildings on fire and beating people up they stop being protesters. This ain’t rocket science.
This is why you can’t have nice things such as respect, MSM. This is either ignorant demagoguery or intentional lying. Pathetic tweet.
— Charles X Proxy™ (@Charlemagne0814) July 23, 2020
Lol what.
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) July 23, 2020
These nimrods are actually more upset that rioters are getting arrested than the fact there are RIOTS IN OUR STREETS???
You can’t make this stuff up.— Savvy Op (@Savvy_Opinion) July 23, 2020
We've been screaming at @tedwheeler for 3 years to clean that mess up. Now we are screaming for the Feds to do it. You were saying?
— Scott Coleman (@bandphan) July 23, 2020
Your gaslighting game is off.
— Reuenthal_800 (@MAurelius161180) July 23, 2020
What would you like them to say? Democrats run that state top to bottom.
— Goldens Rule (@jamesbranch3) July 23, 2020
Exactly. What should Republicans do to help fix another mess the Democrats made.
Wow, that was a long nap.
— Queen Velvet (@TMIWITW) July 23, 2020
You can't be serious.
— Lake Bum (@dustopian) July 23, 2020
AYFKM? It's the Democrats who have been consistently claiming all is well, nothing to see here, Feds stay out of our business.
— Small Metal Owl (@SmallMetalOwl) July 23, 2020
FIRST READ: The Democrat silence on what’s happening in Biden’s brain is jarring
— Boomieleaks (@Boomieleaks) July 23, 2020
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