Elon Musk is not willing to let his company completely tank just because California wants to keep wiping their resident’s backsides and pretending they’re incapable of making decisions for themselves over COVID. He is suing the state and has talked about taking his company to either Nevada or Texas.
Democrat Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, who was behind the job-killing #AB5 bill, had this to say to Elon:
F*ck Elon Musk.
— Lorena (@LorenaSGonzalez) May 10, 2020
People voted for her.
This is a sitting state legislator. https://t.co/oZIPDyOaKS
— Kira (@RealKiraDavis) May 10, 2020
Yeah yeah, we’re not surprised an elected Democrat is gross either but still.
Robert Reich also jumped into the fray:
Elon Musk threatens to take away people’s jobs unless he’s allowed to risk their health.
Capitalism at its worst. https://t.co/FaivGcCLNi
— Robert Reich (@RBReich) May 9, 2020
Capitalism at its worst.
Elon responded:
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 10, 2020
Meant to say скучный идиот
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 10, 2020
The fact he interacted with Reich’s subtweet but not Gonzalez tells us he gives exactly zero f**ks what she thinks.
Plenty of other people were more than happy to tell her to take a flying leap though:
You're one reason @ElonMusk will probably leave California
— Not a bully… (@FrankFFurter) May 10, 2020
Cry more.
— Davis (@GIass_Onion) May 10, 2020
Super appropriate conduct for an elected official. ???
— Auntie Sam (@auntiesam_usa) May 10, 2020
Her ilk have already driven the middle-class out of California, they're going to be really surprised when they drive the rich out and that their projects can't be funded by taxing the poor.
— Ordy's rumSPRINGa (@OrdyPackard) May 10, 2020
With every job creator like @elonmusk @Tesla gone your ability to pay for illegal votes diminishes.
— ConservativeDoc (@keray1234) May 10, 2020
Should have done your job instead of acting like lil authoritarians.
— In_communicado_ (@In_communicado_) May 10, 2020
After you chase all the productive, wealth-creating citizens out of California, you're going to expect the rest of the country to bail you out and pay for what you gave away to unions and illegal aliens, blaming it on a virus.
Hell, no.
— Maggie Leber (@MaggieL) May 10, 2020
Have fun with that, California.
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