After last night’s Democratic Debate, someone took it upon themselves to go out to Mike Bloomberg’s Wikipedia page and make a pretty damn funny edit.
Granted, if someone reading his page missed the debate they won’t get the joke but since we sat through that train wreck, we kinda sorta totally love it.
Look closely.
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) February 20, 2020
Cause of death: Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Warren should have that framed.
— SecondSkonnanEmpireComputer (@Hal_RTFLC) February 20, 2020
And to think, this Twitter and Wikipedia are both still free.
This was really *a moment*
— Amy Spiro (@AmySpiro) February 20, 2020
So much cringe.
Amy Klobuchar focusing on the techniques she learned in anger management to stop herself from murdering Buttigieg on live TV #DemocraticDebate
— Lauren Thompson (@_LaurenAshley93) February 20, 2020
Anyone else notice she shakes like a very small, nervous, cold dog.
Sorry if that’s mean but this editor can’t help but notice it EVERY TIME she debates. And he thinks she can actually be president when she can barely even debate members of her own party? Painful.
Bloomberg didn't kill himself.
— Scott (@LibertyScott63) February 20, 2020
And apparently she killed him LAST year.
Dang she killed him a year ago and we didn’t even notice?
— Parker Williams (@JParkerWDE) February 20, 2020
No wonder he was so damn quiet last night.
— ? (@NoFuckingThx) February 20, 2020
Sad note: Thank goodness Smug grabbed a screenshot because someone has since corrected Bloomberg’s ‘death.’
But damn, that was funny.