For years, the Left has been babbling about a ‘living wage’ and trying to force employers to pay a minimum of $15 an hour even if that means they higher fewer people because in their little heads the math somehow makes sense.
The rest of us know the only real way to help those who work for a minimum is to do away with the law that allows an employer to PAY a minimum in the first place, and that way these companies have to compete for their employees.
But no, instead of understanding the free market, our dear, sweet, tolerant friends on the Left are pretending the government can fix this. Some chick named Heather (who we have featured before) took these ‘living wage’ talking points APART in an epic thread:
I’m positive that everyone demanding minimum wage be a federally mandated $15/hr has never owned or run a small business. Or any business.
— Some chick named Heather (@hboulware) December 5, 2018
Or maybe even had a job.
They seem to assume that every business is WalMart. When that’s not even remotely true. The vast majority of businesses are small businesses. Almost all fast food businesses are franchises.
— Some chick named Heather (@hboulware) December 5, 2018
They assume a LOT of stuff.
Even when shown evidence of the harm done when the minimum wage is raised to “a living wage” these people insist that it’s just not being done correctly.
— Some chick named Heather (@hboulware) December 5, 2018
Socialism has never been implemented correctly or something.
And of course it’s almost always privileged progressives insisting on this. Because they evidently care more about their ideology than the people they hurt when their ideology is put into practice.
— Some chick named Heather (@hboulware) December 5, 2018
They love to pretend they care about the poor by making the government take care of them.
I’m aware that all ideologies are flawed. It’s one thing to idealize anarchy, for example, it’s an entirely different thing to think it could actually work in the U.S. The same goes for socialism.
— Some chick named Heather (@hboulware) December 5, 2018
‘Nuff said.
Mostly because both ideologies ignore the fundamental problem of human nature. Socialism is particularly insidious because it sounds reasonable and good. But in practice, except in small realively homogenous countries, it fails spectacularly.
— Some chick named Heather (@hboulware) December 5, 2018
Socialism is bad, m’kay?
America is an incredibly wealthy country. We’re an incredibly generous country. We won’t be either if socialists get their way.
— Some chick named Heather (@hboulware) December 5, 2018
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