Awww NARAL just keeps on keepin’ on when it comes to making women out to be victims when at the end of the day, in America they just aren’t. But hey, if NARAL admitted women are more than capable and successful whatever would they complain about? They need women to fail and struggle so they can pretend to save them.
Yeah, they’re repugnant.
Take a gander at this BS on the mythical wage gap for women …
New data has shown that the pay gap may be WAY worse than we thought. It’s time for #EqualPay for equal work.
— NARAL (@NARAL) December 2, 2018
Man, we really wish we could include the ‘clapping’ emoji when we write stories, then maybe more SJWs would realize we’re trying to speak their language.
Such bullsh*t. In fact, there are bulls out there who would take a look at this and say, ‘Wow, that’s a LOT of bullsh*t.’
Ashe Schow said it far better:
The study found that women ARE paid equally for equal work. But they don’t do equal work (time off for family, children).
Your tweet is a lie.
— Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) December 2, 2018
Of course, their tweet is a lie, they’re NARAL.
If only there was some sort of work collaboration where like, one person would stay home and handle domestic issues and another party would secure resources for the group. Wait, we used to have that didn't we?
— Serket (@SerketSiel) December 2, 2018
Hey now, watch it with that common sense, there will be NONE of that.
Hey, when your business model is based on killing babies – what else would you expect?
— Big Mike (@1800ILikeMike) December 2, 2018
The "70%" zombie myth that refuses to die…
— Tom Keller (@timrinaldo) December 2, 2018
But groups like NARAL keep making it even LOWER, for effect ya’ know.
Because GIRL POWER or something.
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