Paul Krugman made fun of President Trump for being afraid for his life when visiting a combat zone. Granted, this tidbit came from an unnamed ‘former senior White House official’ who may or may not even exist but hey, Krugman couldn’t pass up the opportunity to paint Trump as a coward.
After this 1/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) November 20, 2018
Umm maybe Krugman missed it but it’s not a stretch to say Trump is right about psychos wishing him harm (see further down in this story).
I think we have the presidential theme song — not Hail to the Chief, but 2/
— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) November 20, 2018
Stay classy, Krugman.
I think this is a bit of a cheap shot, Paul. I bet this president's life is more under attack than any president in memory. If you don't have basic human empathy (which, yes, he doesn't show to anyone,) think about what would happen if….can you imagine that nightmare?
— Sam Hicks (@samfhicks) November 20, 2018
Nah, he’s too busy dunking on Trump for fearing for his life.
And if you want to see classy, just look at the vile garbage on this thread:
Note the mirror image as Sir Robin continually denounces and denies what is obvious descriptive truth.
— Joseph Robertshaw (@WahooDawg) November 20, 2018
— SwPitch (@swpmontessori) November 20, 2018
These people.
I suspected it had to do with that or with the troops booing him. An autocrat cannot have that from the military
— Johnny (@johnnyut2k4) November 20, 2018
Troops are booing him? Yeah, no.
“Risks to his own life”?!? Has HE seen the way he eats?!!?
— fleurdelisgal (@fleurdelisgal) November 20, 2018
You know she’s fun at birthday parties.
Is it wrong for me to think about how much one person can be a hero and rid the world of him? A soldiers duty is to protect us and the constitution. That soldier would be doing just that.
— Proud Progressive (@kcanales02) November 20, 2018
Oh, look, an actual threat.
Now who would want to kill Donnie? Perhaps if they did it would help MAGA
— dadosorus (@dadosoruslives) November 20, 2018
Another threat.
He should worry about friendly fire after his despicable treatment of heroes like Admiral McRaven
— Progressive Patriot ☃️?? (@livefreezeordie) November 20, 2018
And another threat.
Color us shocked.
I can relate to his fear. After pissing off so many soldiers, one of them might get trigger happy if he sees him. He knows they use real bullets .
— Lemmy Nothor (@LemmyNothor) November 20, 2018
Another threat.
And they wonder why we refuse to give up our guns.
Man baby, afraid? Shocker!
— j.Marie (@ecinaj_m) November 20, 2018
Fascinating how they don’t understand their very behavior is part of the reason Trump fears for his life.
Progressives. *eye roll*
Side note: Krugman needs to stop trying to ruin Monty Python for this editor. Seriously.
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