There are certain tweets that will forever be the stuff of Twitter LEGEND. From Ted Cruz mocking Deadspin over basketball to basically any stupid thing Chelsea Handler tweets, Twitter has been filled with many, many ‘gems’ over the years.
Like this memorable tweet from Alyssa Milano that James Woods shared in order to celebrate its one year anniversary:
One year anniversary of this tweet was yesterday. I missed it! So here it is, better late than never… #ElfGate
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 14, 2018
This tweet is GOLD. And dadgummit! We missed the anniversary as well. We’re slackers.
We don’t recall Alyssa ever actually sharing photos of said elves making Nazi salutes (and most of these elves have their hands sewn together so it likely didn’t happen) but we’ll never forget her distraught and troubled tweet. NOT THE ELVES.
First they came for the Gingerbread Men, and I did not speak out…
— privatefight (@privatefight) August 14, 2018
It’s still poignant James, brought a tear to my eye.
— habez (@mjhabez) August 14, 2018
So moving.
I don't know which is more worrisome, whether this woman sees fit to see the Third Reich everywhere even if they have to make it themselves, or that there are Christmas displays in stores in Mid August.
— James McEnanly (@jmcenanly) August 14, 2018
Hey man, it’s never too early.
Did she take to the streets?
— John Morris (@jmorris817) August 14, 2018
Hey hey! Ho ho! These Nazi elves have got to go!
And this year they’ll wear bandannas.
— russ strickland (@nsrrder13) August 14, 2018
Antifa elves! NOOOOOOO.
And to think, this site is still free.
Village is missing its IDIOT: Erick Erickson drops lame TROLL for pushing FAKE story about Kavanaugh
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