Good ol’ Kamala Harris. While most Democrats have moved on to shrieking about Kavanaugh (or going back to crying about Russia), Kamala has really been focusing all of her feigned outrage on illegal immigrants.
She really knows who her voters are, eh?
The only issue with her tweets and pandering is she’s complaining about legislation that was actually passed by a Democrat and upheld by another Democrat. Granted, most of her base probably doesn’t understand the basics of what is happening with illegal immigrants in this country, but c’mon. Surely some of them can Google, right?
Every single day these families are separated, another child goes to sleep terrified because they don’t know where their parents are. All because of a policy used to punish immigrants fleeing violence. This is not reflective of a civil society.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 19, 2018
Maybe not.
A policy set by Bill Clinton and enforced by Obama as well.
— Mike a.k.a. Proof ?? (@ProofBlog) July 19, 2018
Your record as AG of CA belies your concern over separating families. #Fraud #ResignNow
— DerSchrecklicher (@DSchrecklicher) July 19, 2018
Tough crowd, Kamala.
it is a tyrannical policy.
— [email protected] (@alienghic) July 19, 2018
Freakin’ Obama.
No. Incorrect. “ALL BECAUSE” you and your congressional colleagues haven’t moved on immigration reform in years. Last I checked, @POTUS doesn’t make the laws. But, I’m not surprised you’re confused. When you don’t support rule of law or know our constitution, it can be tough.
— SundayNightsLiveToo! (@snltoo) July 19, 2018
Oh, yeah. There’s that too. The president isn’t supposed to pass legislation, Kamala. That’s your job. We know you all got used to President Pen and Phone, but we’ve all seen what a mess that makes of people’s lives with DACA, right?
She’s REALLY milking this.
There are still 2,600 immigrant children who have yet to be reunited with their families or caretakers.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 19, 2018
and as a result i kamala am proposing ____________ #action #DoSomething
— ROSIE (@Rosie) July 19, 2018
Whoa, Rosie called her out.
Not bad, Ms. O’Donnell.
It’s easy to talk to the talk, Kamala.
Or would that be to tweet the tweet?
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