We’re with Ted Cruz. The idea of supporting a Nazi running for Congress to ‘own the Libs’ is horrific.
This is horrific. An avowed Nazi running for Congress. To the good people of Illinois, you have two reasonable choices: write in another candidate, or vote for the Democrat. This bigoted fool should receive ZERO votes. https://t.co/9WYlvCMKaF
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) June 29, 2018
Good news though, the Democrat the Nazi is running against is pro-life …
The Democrat is pro-life, so it's permissible to vote for him, as many R voters did in the primary. https://t.co/lqtU5Jxz8A https://t.co/MZoiXC6mLE
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) June 30, 2018
Absolutely. Many Republicans from the area have openly stated they will indeed support the pro-life Democrat over the ridiculous Nazi. But, apparently, that’s not good enough for Jeet Heer.
If I'm reading this correctly, Mr. Crank is telling his people it is "permissible" to vote for a pro-life Democrat over an avowed Nazi. Which implies that it would not be permissible to vote for a pro-choice Democratic over a Nazi. Do I have that right? https://t.co/zLxXLBsApC
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) June 30, 2018
‘Telling his people.’
What does he mean, ‘His people?’
Liberals. *eye roll*
And no, Jeet is not reading Crank’s tweet correctly, at all.
Here's how logic works:
If I say "X, therefore Y" that does not mean "not X, therefore not Y."
Example: The weather is nice. We should go outside =/= The weather is not nice. We should not go outside. Why? Because there might be another reason besides nice weather to go outside https://t.co/WrCtdzaVCG
— Mo Mo (@molratty) July 1, 2018
We were told there would be NO MATH.
You don’t have it right.
— Stay At Home Sconnie (@Sjanderson86) June 30, 2018
Not even close.
NARRATOR: He's not reading it correctly.
— Sleve McDichael (@SeahawkBurrrton) July 1, 2018
Being willfully obtuse, are you? Apparently.
— Nancy (@SameOldNancy) June 30, 2018
Yes. Yes, he is.
— the snowstorm liker (@paulythegun) June 30, 2018
Some of ‘Jeet’s people’ showed up on the thread.
The Hell?
Being pro-life makes Crank a total abnegation of the human spirit? By the way, abnegation is a fancy way of saying self-denial … yeah, Nate wanted to show his big word cred.
I'm not surprised that you have the same view of abortion as this guy https://t.co/bNuw22Tc8P
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) June 30, 2018
Dan thinks that people in favor of mass murder are more acceptable than birth control and abortion.
As always, radical Christians are pro birth, not pro life.
— Ned Pyle (@NerdPyle) June 30, 2018
It’s like these people deliberately misinterpret and misconstrue the pro-life movement.
Ok, it’s not just like it, they do.
I'm against mass murder, and you apparently are not. So, we understand each other.
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) June 30, 2018
What they’re deliberately missing in Crank’s argument is that life is a key issue for many Republicans, and not even being a Democrat is worse than being a Nazi. Nothing is worse than a Nazi. Which you’d think these Dems would understand since they spend 24/7 calling everyone who dares disagree with them a ‘Nazi’.
Crazy, right?
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