Laura, please don’t do this.
Just don’t.
There is NOTHING convenient about people being shot, nothing. Ever. And this type of nonsense just feeds the yahoos on the Left playing politics with the shooting already. Well that and it garners a good deal of attention, and none of it good. We guess for some folks, attention is attention.
Maxine Waters … really?
Just stop. Really. Knock it off.
— Mo Mo (@molratty) June 28, 2018
Damn skippy.
It’s honestly embarrassing.
It's disgraceful.
— Mo Mo (@molratty) June 28, 2018
That too.
There is no supporting rhetoric like this. How can we expect to call out GROSS politicizing on the Left when there are people on the so-called Right saying garbage like this?
Full stop.
Not everything is a conspiracy.
— YELLOWSTONE, the Toxically Masculine supervolcano (@rrothfeldt) June 28, 2018
What he said.
Stop it.
— Christy ÓCatháin (@cdokane) June 28, 2018
you need to stop.
— Cody Boteler ? (@codyboteler) June 28, 2018
Yes, she does.
It was the guy who slashed her tires last summer, we just know it!
FFS! In rush to blame Trump for Capital Gazette shooting Lauren Duca trips SPECTACULARLY over Scalise
Flawless VICTORY: James Woods takes Michael Avenatti to the SHED for shameful immigration tweet
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