Saturday morning, hours after Democrats shut down the government, House Dems, led by Nancy Pelosi of course, held a presser so they could blame Donald Trump … for Senate Democrats refusing to pass the bipartisan CR that had passed the House.
Pretty sure they were doing damage control.
Pretty sure they failed.
Pelosi and House Democrats are holding a presser. Rep. Joe Crowley begins with "welcome to the Trump shutdown."
— Emma Loop (@LoopEmma) January 20, 2018
Welcome to the Trump shutdown.
Playing the blame game. Crowley says Republicans should have shown the same effort here that they put into the tax bill.
(The tax bill only needed a simple majority in the Senate because they did it under reconciliation…)
— Emma Loop (@LoopEmma) January 20, 2018
We kinda sorta love that the BuzzFeed reporter pointed out in this tweet why Crowley is wrong; interesting isn’t it, either Dems truly don’t understand how things work in government or they believe their constituents are too stupid to know any better.
Maybe a little of both.
Rep. Cheri Bustos talks about the various grocery aisles (milk, bread, etc) in which she sees voters who tell her to just get something done.
— Emma Loop (@LoopEmma) January 20, 2018
Because Bustos totally does her own grocery shopping and just happened to grocery shop that morning after they shut down the government.
Lol. "If I mention grocery store aisles I'll seem like I know Americans."
— Dan ?? (@danieltobin) January 21, 2018
Wonder if some Hispanic five year old asked her why Republicans hate him.
Pelosi says if they can come to an agreement on DACA/spending caps/border security, then they could support a shorter CR. Then pivots to blaming Trump, pointing to the orange sign with Trump's old tweet.
— Emma Loop (@LoopEmma) January 20, 2018
The only people insisting on tying DACA to the spending bill are Democrats, all while they demand a ‘clean’ DACA bill?
"This is the fifth one," Pelosi says of CR when asked, isn't it better to do these negotiations with the government open?
Dems then insist they don't want a shutdown.
— Emma Loop (@LoopEmma) January 20, 2018
They lie.
"Happy anniversary," Pelosi says to Trump, pointing to the orange sign. "Your wish came true."
— Emma Loop (@LoopEmma) January 20, 2018
Guess we should just be glad she didn’t call him doggie doo.
Pelosi then accuses a reporter of using Republican talking points in a question to her. The question was about whether Dems are the face of the shutdown.
— Emma Loop (@LoopEmma) January 20, 2018
Why is Pelosi attacking the first amendment?
— Dan ?? (@danieltobin) January 21, 2018
Time for crazy crumbs to retire.
"We believe in governance, we don't believe in shutdowns," Pelosi says.
— Emma Loop (@LoopEmma) January 20, 2018
And there went our breakfast.
But you shut down the government.
— Dan ?? (@danieltobin) January 21, 2018
Does Pelosi REALLY think anyone buys this crap?
Wait, she’s talking to Democrats.
Never mind.
‘Dear Lord, the screams’: Writers tell the harrowing tale of DC after the shutdown
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