After Ossoff lost, progressive talking heads were front and center pushing the narrative that his loss was actually a win and that people in the south were just too stupid to know they should have voted for him.
Seems like a winning strategy, eh?
Because nothing inspires someone to vote for you like telling them they’re not smart enough to know you’re right:
Nothing preps you for next election more than concluding your team is too virtuous to win & voters are too evil or dumb to see the truth.
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) June 21, 2017
But hey, if Democrats think this is working for them … GO FOR IT.
They've gone from "You're not worthy of Obama!" to "You're not worthy of any of us!". Like a nstural progression of a mental illness.
— Austere Gator Fan (@Gator_Country) June 21, 2017
It’s because they believe government elite is the ruling class and the rest of us are just schmucks hoping they’ll grace us with legislation that tells us how to think, speak and live.
It amazes me how liberals can accuse others of being "dumb" while they have yet to learn the simple lessons of recent elections.
— Pooka Luck (@MuchLuck) June 21, 2017
Nothing amazes us about Democrats anymore.
" don't interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake" Sun Tzu….
— LORD SCREWTAPE (@screwtape1a12) June 22, 2017
A to the men.
'An analysis of our extensive, and undeviating pattern of losses makes it inarguably clear we'll crush the Republicans in '18!'
— Trey Dushay (@tresdouche) June 21, 2017
Something like that.
ZOMG NOT THAT! College student so TRIGGERED over Conservative reading material she alerts MSNBC
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