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'I'm pretty low maintenance.' (riiiight) Tomi Lahren gives exclusive post-Blaze interview to ... Playboy

Playboy. Because that totally makes sense, right Tomi?

What is she thinking?


From Playboy:

We met Lahren in her home in the suburbs of Irving, Texas. She sat in her living room, surrounded by a bouquet of red, white and blue flowers from various media outlets trying to court her; a nearby laptop was emblazoned with a “Capitalism” sticker. A MAGA hat, signed by Trump, perched in a corner, right across from a kitchen that had a giant wooden flag with the Pledge of Allegiance painted on it. It’s no surprise that Lahren is the granddaughter of a World War II paratrooper and the niece of Purple Heart recipient who fought in Vietnam.

*sigh* Because none of this is stereotypical or a caricature of Conservatives, especially Conservative women.

Sure, all low maintenance people have butt warmers.

Heck, the editor writing this is sitting on a butt warmer RIGHT NOW … ok so not exactly, it’s more of a fluffy, pretty pillow from IKEA but it’s damn cute, thank you very much.


She would work for MSNBC.


Stranger things have happened …

Surely this will end well.

Ok, maybe not.

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