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'Hi. You're still a douchebag.' Lead baseball writer for NBC defends crap tweet dissing American flag

NBC’s lead baseball writer Craig Calcaterra tweeted this about the American flag on Easter.

Keep it classy.


Because clearly the American flag is political.

Seriously, it’s hard to believe this guy could be a lead writer about baseball and not have a teensy bit more respect for the flag. It doesn’t get much more American than baseball …

The reaction Calcaterra received was less than positive:

Most Americans aren’t self-righteous windbags writing about baseball though either.

Seems he REALLY missed the mark here, trying to make the American flag political. Instead of apologizing though he doubled down on his stupid tweet and railed about how mean the right was to him …


Perhaps he should take a moment and reflect upon why so many people were upset with what he said?

Guess not.

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