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Seems LEGIT: Cruella De Vil is a feminist hero (ESPECIALLY that whole killing puppies thing, right?)

So according to a Buzzfeed piece, a woman who kills puppies to make fur coats is a feminist hero. Figures.

According to the article, Cruella is totes heroic because she runs her own business and can afford to buy and kill a puppy no matter what it costs.


Gosh, change out the word fetus for puppy and this could be the newest Planned Parenthood ad.

All too common indeed.

The face of thousands of people reading their timelines while that little nugget of awful floated by …

Yeah, there are no real endearing qualities to a woman who kills animals for coats. Of course along that line of thought, is there anything all that endearing about feminists?

Hrm, maybe the writer was onto something.

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