It’s truly the nobody of nobodies on the cover of Variety’s special inauguration issue … and don’t let the flag touch the floor!
These people.
They never learn do they? Trump just smiles down from his tower doing nothing as these idjits hand him the election in 2020.
Luckily Michelle Malkin saw the humor in this cover and proposed a caption contest. What followed was clever, sorta mean and pretty damn funny:
Caption contest for @variety inauguration cover:
Dammit, Van, you forgot the lighter!— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 17, 2017
"Sorry, misfits. We're just not that into you."
— Scout (@scoutgosha) January 17, 2017
"Does this flag make me look fat?"
— Covfefe Kimmie (@kimmieguy) January 17, 2017
This Town Needs an Enema! @michellemalkin @Variety
— #Shadowbanned Winston (@WinstonS6079W) January 17, 2017
In more ways than one.
I thought Kaitlin Jenner was a Republican? Oh, that's Michael Moore…
— WND News (@worldnetdaily) January 17, 2017
Is Michael Moore morphing to Janet Reno?
— Glenn Amurgis (@gamurgis) January 17, 2017
OMG, lol. Come to think of it, he does look a little bit like Janet. That’s just weird.
@benshapiro "How many liberal loons does it take to screw up a country?"
— Mark Nova (@iMarkNova) January 17, 2017
Not too many unfortunately.
"Pass the big colorful tissue Michael, I need to wipe away my tears."
— HeisenbergHattie (@HBergHattie) January 17, 2017
Which one?
The Resistance: Stop Snickering!
— JeffC (@JeffChrz) January 17, 2017
*snicker snicker*
Micheal Moore: "I'm not wearing anything behind this flag"
— WH (@willhenry41) January 17, 2017
Ok, full stop.
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