Melissa Joan Hart is officially irritated with both major parties and has joined the Gary Johnson campaign as Connecticut chairperson.
20 years ago tonight,sabrinatheTeenageWitch aired on @abcnetwork for the first time and changed…
— Melissa Joan Hart (@MelissaJoanHart) September 28, 2016
Sounds like she personally reached out to the campaign to see how she could help.
Gary Johnson camp tells me Melissa Joan Hart personally reached out to see what she could do in Connecticut for them
— Asawin Suebsaeng (@swin24) September 28, 2016
She wants to “break away” from the two-party system.
Of course before she was a teenage witch and long before she was a Johnson staffer she was explaining it all …
The #imwithclarissa hashtag is happening.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) September 28, 2016
Is it possible? Could some of Leftist Hollywood be so grossed out by the idea of a President Clinton that they would vote for Johnson?
Seems she was well received by the Libertarians.
I was very happy to see you throw support to @GovGaryJohnson, I wish you could get more Hollywood friends on board.
— TexasSizeRips (@TexasSizeRips) September 28, 2016
A vote for who you believe in is never a wasted vote. Politics as usual is losing its appeal. Time for meaningful change.
— Chuck Mooney (@ChuckMooneyIII) September 28, 2016
Thank you for your help, Melissa.
— Jim Bevan (@JimB_85) September 28, 2016
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