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Kamala Harris throws out an abortion Hail Mary right before midterms and EH, I'm not impressed

Poor Kamala Harris, all she’s got to promise Americans is abortion.

Ok, so she’s not special (in the least), that’s all any Democrat really has to run on, other than the melodramatic nonsense that if we don’t vote for them we’ll LOSE OUR DEMOCRACY. That’s such a strange claim, vote for a single party or else.

That’s the opposite of a democracy, yeah? Plenty of ignorant people have bought into that rhetoric (looking at you, Tom Nichols) but the rest of us are pretty sure that part of a democracy is having a choice when it comes to how you vote. We also happen to know we’re a Constitutional Republic, but I digress. And of course, I’m totally off-topic… this is about abortion, and more specifically, the Democrats PINKY PROMISING that this time they will totally and completely make Roe v. Wade the law. Forget that they’ve had 50 years to do this and have done NOTHING because it’s a talking point and supposed vote-getter for Democrats.

THIS time will be different.


And every time one of these yahoos talks about the government not having a say in decisions made about their own bodies I can’t help but think back to a time when they were more than happy to tell us to vaccinate, mask, stay home, don’t fly, don’t have funerals, don’t see your family, etcetera. It’s only when it comes to the murder of the most innocent that they want the government to stay out of it.

For example:

Sorry, I know, that’s a lot – what’s crazy is these are only a HANDFUL of the tweets she sent out telling people what to do with THEIR bodies.

Kamala was more than happy to play along with the government telling us what to do with our bodies when it came to COVID. Almost as if she is a complete hypocrite babbling out talking points to get stupid people to vote for Democrats.

Oh yeah, that’s exactly who she is and what she’s trying to do.


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