Who ARE these people?!
When did so many Americans turn into annoying and obnoxious scolds?
You know what, don’t answer that.
Take for example this nard from the New York Times, Andrew Ross Sorkin:
I was just on the phone when this question came up: If a state decides to prematurely lift rules against the guidance of CDC, should it be eligible to receive federal help if it later needs it as a result? Discuss…
— Andrew Ross Sorkin (@andrewrsorkin) March 4, 2021
Does he mean Texas and Mississippi?
Because we’re pretty sure he means Texas and Mississippi.
We’re sure Texas is super SKEERED … and Mississippi is probably terrified as well.
Oh wait.
You do realize most states aren't really following CDC guidelines, right?
— Pradheep J. Shanker (@Neoavatara) March 4, 2021
They only want to punish red states.
*whispers* no one follows CDC guidance on anything, COVID or other. They also say you shouldn't consume alcohol. The CDC is usually considered a useless nuisance issuing guidance no one will ever follow. Why change now?
— Neanderphil (@philllosoraptor) March 4, 2021
Because orange man bad … wait, that doesn’t work now.
The CDC is run by political appointees. What makes you think their guidance is anything but political?
— Business Master Crapplefratz (@Crapplefratz) March 4, 2021
Ding ding ding.
CDC proved that when they allowed the teacher’s unions to all but decide the guidelines to opening our schools.
Where do these people think the funds come from, exactly? https://t.co/qw39l4r4Km
— Mo Mo (@MollyRatty) March 4, 2021
The magical money trees.
There is nothing more telling than this maneuver. "Do what we tell you or the taxes your residents pay will go to more deserving states." It's a basic ransom scheme.
— Mo Mo (@MollyRatty) March 4, 2021
It’s horse crap is what it is.
I'll bite. You work for the #NYT, most likely this phone call never happened, but your inability to actually be a journalist is long gone so you now resort to pathetic pandering for the left.
Did I get it right?
— #NotMyPresident (@PhillyToMaine) March 4, 2021
Very close.
I enjoy slippery slopes.
Begs the question… Should you be allowed access to an abortion if you didn't use contraception?— Some Welder ?? (@SomeWelder) March 4, 2021
The definitions of "guidance of the CDC" are really mushy
You could coherently argue (as my school district has) that the CDC requires masks and 6 foot distancing even after there is full vaccine coverage
— PoliMath (@politicalmath) March 4, 2021
Should the states that are allowing teachers union to dictate the opening of schools to the detriment of students, when the *science* and data tell us it is safe, be eligible for federal funds?
Discuss THAT!
— BayAreaFrau (@bayareahausfrau) March 4, 2021
Drunk driving is against the law, there are laws against texting and driving. When someone gets into a wreck while drinking and driving or texting and driving, should they eligible to receive medical treatment ?
— Phineas J Whoopee (@j_whoopee) March 4, 2021
Were you around for Katrina? B/c it seems like you would have supported the feds telling the ppl in the Super Dome to figure it out.
— Dog guy (@Catsorange1) March 4, 2021
So we are just going to neglect citizens of a state based upon the decisions of the governor. Sounds reasonable. Cuomo f’d up big time but he seems to be getting aide.
— Lady Stephanie Waterton of Sienna (@gritshappen) March 4, 2021
What kind of crazy are you?
— Pamela Scott (@PamelaS99694909) March 4, 2021
The very worst kind.
The media kind.
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