As Twitchy readers know, Richard Spencer, the dolt made famous for yelling, ‘Hail Trump,’ came out and basically endorsed Biden saying he would be voting for the old rich white guy as well as a straight-party ticket for Democrats.
This means they are the party of white supremacists now, right? Isn’t that how this works?
@ProteinWisdom was inspired by this news today (and a tweet from this editor) and wrote a fairly epic thread about why he didn’t support Trump in 2016 but he does now.
Anybody who didn’t understand that the White Nationalist “alt-right” was always just the identity politics left looking for someone to champion *their* identity politics, didn’t read pw or my column in the Federalist from 2015.
The surprise has been Trump — not the “alt-right.”
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
Biden winning over the hearts and minds of white supremacists. Heh.
And this is why I now support Trump, and have since early in his presidency: he’s used tariffs strategically and, with enemy states, as an economic weapon; he’s managed to bring back US jobs from overseas; and he really HAS unmasked both the media and the Deep State.
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
So wait, does this mean orange man not bad?
Ironically, his biggest mistake was “listening to the science”: medical bureaucrats took advantage, in my opinion, of Trump’s known germophobia; but even there, Trump recovered quickly and has urged states to open safely; he closed off travel; used federal authority to build…
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
This. So much this.
Fauci and Birx were huge mistakes.
…back US supply chains. He put hydrochloroquine on the public radar and forced bureaucratic “scientists” and leftist media to actively oppose it — despite numerous front line doctors and peer reviewed studies have shown success, when used early or as a prophylactic.
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
Trump does appear to have a ‘gift’ when it comes to exposing who people really are.
He fast-tracked a vaccine and treatments. And he’s done all this while highlighting the differences between red states and blue states — from crime to federalism — where leftist governors and mayors have shown off both authoritarian tendencies against law-abiding citizens …
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
…while simultaneously giving freedom and succor to “protesters,” including refusals to prosecute rioters, arsonists, and looters.
You may not like Trump’s style. But there’s no denying his charisma and confidence. There’s no denying that, even after a shutdown, he’s able…
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
He’s still at 51% after a pandemic all but destroyed our economy … that says a lot.
…to bring back an economy. And that pre-pandemic, he was able to bring unemployment to historic lows.
The David French’s of the world want you to focus on Trump’s tone — which is so de classe, in their minds, that it merits a total Marxist overhaul of a federal republic.
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
Cut our taxes, create a job-friendly market, bring our economy back, beat the bad guys.
We’re good.
That repulses me. Trump needs to beat up on China; beat up on Iran; reiterate that liberty and freedom are paramount, and — circling back — that leftist identity politics are toxic, and that now, racialism has become THE coin of the Marxist / progressive realm, even as it acts…
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
…as a Trojan Horse for class warfare, with the object being to ruin the bourgeois small business owner and middle class, destabilizing urban centers.
This is by design. The left has simply used the virus and a few media-aided police outrages as proximate launching points…
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
…for the crises they’ve long sought to foster.
This is the updated version of Cloward-Piven; it’s protectorate are an activist progressive media; and its enforcement arm are leftist AGs and the modern-day Red Faction, Weather Underground, SDS, Black Panther separatists, etc.
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
Identity politics and critical race theory are the philosophical pretexts. Power and top-down federal control of the populace are the goals.
You must reject this. And that rejection is embodied — in nearly every way — by Trump.
Vote accordingly. And to bring this all the way
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
Vote accordingly, indeed.
…back around, revisit how this all works by revisiting this column, with the caveat that, again, Trump — whom I criticized based in part on a vocal part of his putative “base” — greatly exceeded my expectations.
It should be no shock to students of both language, history…
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
…and leftist dogma, that David Duke favors Ilhan Omar, or that Richard Spencer favors Biden.
That was always baked into their ideological cakes.
And it was inevitable:
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
The alt-right is the mirror image of the new left.
We had no idea how accurate that was.
I would not be shocked at all if it is red-pilled blacks and Hispanics who carry Trump to re-election victory.
— Mulder’s Magical Teleprompter of Empathy (@proteinwisdom) August 24, 2020
Trump is polling at over 35% with Black Americans.
Stay tuned.
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