We get that CNN and the rest of the Leftist media are trying very, very, very hard to turn Kamala Harris into some great civil rights leader who fought her way through our oppressive systems to come out on top but c’mon … this is some serious BS even for them.
Kamala being chosen for VP is historic? Black people haven’t been in power in America?
"This is historic for sure but it is just the beginning."
Democratic strategist Aisha Mills looks forward to a Vice President Kamala Harris being able to break barriers that translate to "black people being in power and structural changes to the condition of black America." pic.twitter.com/0LD0ciJimY
— CNN (@CNN) August 13, 2020
Guess Barack Obama being elected TWICE wasn’t historic or his election didn’t break down any barriers.
Or something.
Told you, this was dumb.
You have to wonder if folks like this Democratic strategist really don’t know any better or if they just assume the people watching and listening are – perhaps we should learn to embrace the power of ‘and.’
So, what happened from 2008-2016….
Didn't they say the same thing?
— ??Fred-O Acosta, Concentrate..?? (@JayPark71553294) August 13, 2020
Something like that.
Hillary shattered the glass ceiling so we figure they’ve gotta toss Kamala a bone.
— Joe (@TurfwayJoe) August 13, 2020
And true.
I’m old enough to remember when we had a black president for 8 years. ?
— Don'tBeTheOnion (@DontBeTheOnion) August 13, 2020
In a nation with ~ 15% African American population we elected and re-elected an African American as President.
Maybe it is OK to focus on qualification and skills, content of character, and not skin color?
Just a thought.
— PaxView Jeff (@JR_justJR) August 13, 2020
Just a thought.
The dems know we had a black president, right? https://t.co/e7PgoQIc20
— Dan ?? (@danieltobin) August 13, 2020
Clinton was so long ago.
— Summertime, and the livin's Ordy (@OrdyPackard) August 13, 2020
Bill Clinton I was told.
— Anna James Zeigler (@ajzeigler) August 13, 2020
Sounds like something that may have happened in the before times.
— Jacob (@vetjr89) August 13, 2020
The ‘before times.’
Joe already forgot that.
— High Altitudes (@HighAltitudes) August 13, 2020
The narrative, dear boy. The narrative.
— RexGoesForth (@RexGoesFourth) August 13, 2020
Ain’t THAT the truth?
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