Hobby Lobby is keeping their doors open so people don’t lose their jobs?! MONSTERS!
Do us a solid and read this letter from Hobby Lobby’s owner, David Green, and see if your takeaway is the same as ‘Towanda the Avenger’s’, because no matter how many times this editor reads it she doesn’t see anything about a wife’s vision and making store managers stay open.
Hobby Lobby owner David Green is telling store managers to stay open despite the pandemic because his wife had a vision from god.
He also warns they'll all have to "tighten their belts" soon. His net worth is $6.4 billion—hourly employees don't get paid sick leave. #COVIDIOT pic.twitter.com/4pEhivDbNy
— Towanda the Avenger (@kendallybrown) March 22, 2020
And her claim about hourly employees not getting sick leave?
Just sayin’.
She continued:
This doc details Hobby Lobby employee benefits. ONLY salaried employees have access to ANY paid sick leave. At HobLob stores, only the manager & ass't managers are salaried. Every other employee is hourly. https://t.co/40Z6haq3iE
— Towanda the Avenger (@kendallybrown) March 22, 2020
Even according to the benefits package hourly employees do get personal time off. They also have a 401k which is pretty spectacular for an hourly, non-salaried employee but we digress.
Sorry, she goes on:
Any current Hobby Lobby employee who wants to share more about the company's coronavirus response, employee policies, or anything else: My DM's are open and I will protect your anonymity. https://t.co/4GffWdUp7f
— Towanda the Avenger (@kendallybrown) March 22, 2020
Again, the letter reads like anything you’d see from a company built on Christian ideals. Think she would be this mad at other companies or does she just have it out for the mean ol’ Christians?
UPDATE: Hobby Lobby has been instructing store managers to use the pandemic as a selling technique, by focusing on coronavirus "related" items and setting up displays to entice bored customers out of social isolation and into the store. pic.twitter.com/NxFWSaDoZT
— Towanda the Avenger (@kendallybrown) March 22, 2020
We’re starting to wonder about her reading comprehension skills at this point. They are directing managers to focus on areas of the store that are successful currently PROBABLY so they can keep their doors open and keep paying their employees. Maybe ‘Towanda’ missed it, but millions of people are losing their jobs right now.
In areas with mandatory closings, Hobby Lobby will drain an employee's accrued vacation time before giving "emergency pay", which will be limited to 75% of their avg. pay for the past 6 wks.
Employees say they've been cutting hours aggressively recently, to keep that $$ low. pic.twitter.com/l7ESwSbjyY
— Towanda the Avenger (@kendallybrown) March 22, 2020
In other words, Hobby Lobby will utilize paid time off and then continue paying their employees at 75% of their regular pay … and she says this like it’s a bad thing. What does she expect them to do?
My mentions/inbox are getting swamped, so 3 quick notes:
1. If you work for Hobby Lobby (or any other store who is acting a fool during the pandemic) & DM me, I promise I'll get back to you. It might take until tmrw, but I will respond.
— Towanda the Avenger (@kendallybrown) March 22, 2020
2. Some are taking issue with my characterizing it as a vision from God. I'm not sure how else you describe saying that God laid words on your heart specifically to let you know you'll be safe as you refuse to close during a pandemic, but ok.
— Towanda the Avenger (@kendallybrown) March 22, 2020
It’s called prayer, you nob.
3. Big ups to the trolls in my mentions insulting me for no apparent reason! I'm screenshotting my favorites to share with my partner for the laughs, so please be creative. Keep the insults original, fresh, and exciting.
— Towanda the Avenger (@kendallybrown) March 22, 2020
Where does it tell managers to stay open or that his wife had a vision from God?
— Jen DinNJ (@JenDinnj) March 22, 2020
It doesn’t.
Umm…you should have left the letter out of your tweet b/c it doesn't provide as you suggest.
— Dog guy (@Catsorange1) March 22, 2020
You didn't read it.
— Awaken the Leviathan of Production! (@Camzilla72) March 22, 2020
She did not.
OR, she did and took away from it what she wanted for her narrative.
Er, it the letter says nothing of the kind. pic.twitter.com/3VLy0hjAgb
— Beyond My Wuhan ¯_(ツ)_/¯ ? (@OverpaidA) March 22, 2020
But his employees are still working right? Unlike millions of others…
— chinese wuhan the black Elf (@flo_rida_man) March 22, 2020
Seems she doesn’t care about unemployed Americans.
The only way you can get that tweet from that letter is if you read through a lens of extreme bigotry & hatred.
— (((WitCoHE))) (@E__Strobel) March 22, 2020
Which she obviously did.
Bad for you that most of us can read and know you're a liar.
— Jenny ??? (@JCEdmund) March 22, 2020
Conservative Christians are awful humans
— Cascadia Goose (@Cascadia_Goose) March 22, 2020
Right? Those Christians, always praying for people, going out of their way to help their neighbors:
Here's one. My brother. On the frontline fighting coronavirus. He converted his garage to a place he and my SIL can quarantine themselves from the kids between shifts. You should delete this tweet. pic.twitter.com/87dz211a9a
— Geary (@indiucky) March 22, 2020
Take it from us, folks, if you want to keep from pulling all of your hair out avoid the rest of the tweets on that thread. None of them actually read the letter, either that or they have zero reading comprehension skills.
Either way, it’s a hot dumpster of stupid on steroids.
Just like her original thread.
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