For months now (years?) the Left has been trying to turn Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez into some sort of Socialist Superhero but we think after it’s all said and done, Dan Bongino actually came up with her superpower.
And he nailed it.
AOC is unaware that we have both horizontal and vertical checks and balances at BOTH the federal and state level. Nobody markets and advertises deep and profound ignorance like she does. It’s an Avenger-like super power.
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) August 24, 2019
‘It’s an Avenger-like superpower.’
Wonder if she’d wear a cape?
Lookout bad guys! AOC will ignorance you to death!
Dan, if you stopped afte “AOC is unaware” you’d be right about 98% of everything.
— Rabiddogg (@Rabiddogg) August 24, 2019
For a while there I thought she was playing stupid, but, she's not playing!
— Ronald Parrish (@raparri1953) August 24, 2019
Remember, @AOC only won the primary by 4081 votes. Pretty sure NY will wise up They are tired of this #Loudmouth.
— Cali-Hillbilly™️ ??SuperPatriot (@Cali_Hillbilly) August 24, 2019
You’d think her district would actually want someone in her office who cares about the district but hey, what do we know?
She won't stop until it's free to attend the electoral college
— Schuhmerican ?? (@Schuhmerica) August 24, 2019
Come on is she really that dumb? Did she skip government in school? How can she go to congress and not understand the very basics of how our government works? I’m sure she was a much better bar tender maybe its time for her to re-embrace that career.
— Craig McMonagle (@Craiga57) August 25, 2019
Is she really that dumb?
It’s possible.
How in the hell did she graduate
— Dale (@Dale_A_stump) August 24, 2019
Let’s hear it for public education!
I’m trusting James Wilson’s intellect over AOC’s by a pretty wide margin.
— David Gerwatowski (@DGerwatowski) August 24, 2019
Yeah, us too.
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