Like many other Democrats who have realized they can’t win if they play by the fundamental rules of this country, Rep. Steve Cohen wants to do away with the Electoral College. His reasoning though ALMOST makes Liz Warren look sane … almost.
Steve thinks the EC was ‘conceived in sin.’
Imagine if a Republican said this?
Since our nation’s founding, we have repeatedly amended our #Constitution to keep it in line with our changing circumstances. The #ElectoralCollege was a solution to 18th-Century issues that longer exists. It’s time to abolish it. #PopularVote #HJRes7
— Steve Cohen (@RepCohen) March 20, 2019
Yeah, we know Steve is nutty anyway but THIS? Wowza.
From The Hill:
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) said Tuesday the Electoral College was “conceived in sin” and originally designed to effectively perpetuate slavery.
“The country is different than it was when the Constitution was drafted,” Cohen said on CNN while issuing support for the push to move to a national popular vote for presidential elections.
Cohen criticized the Electoral College’s origins, saying, “When the Constitution was drafted, a lot of it had to do with slavery.”
Is he really claiming they wrote the Constitution to perpetuate slavery?
Ok, we take it back, even Liz looks sane compared to this batsh*t crazy.
Are you RepCohen that ignorant of our Constitution?Dismantling the electoral college means voters in Tennessee will no longer have a vote for President.We will forfeit our voice to the most populated states!Why? Why would Tennesseans want to demolish electoral college?! We DON’T!
— jebby (@janconcern) March 21, 2019
Listen to your constituents, Steve.
Why are you pushing a NON-FACTURAL statement as to the Electoral College??!! Its always been based on the republic, the United States, a safeguard FOR ALL STATES, NOT 3 OR 4 OR 5, for the entire US. The Electoral College WAS NOT based on racial issues. You are RACE BAITING!!
— Chaz (@chaz_eds) March 21, 2019
So New York and California decides who becomes president of the country? Thanks for confirming your idiocy and that u r Constitutional illiterate. I am Cartwright constituent. No reply = Accurate statement
— W Torbeck (@dollahollayo) March 21, 2019
Representative Cohen…… I'm sorry Sir…….BUT to you are so very wrong…..
— SneakyPete ?? ????? (@SneakyPete531) March 21, 2019
And absolutely off his rocker.
In other words, a Democrat.
You’re welcome.
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