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Best (or worst?) Kamala Harris shot/chaser maybe EVER?! You decide (it's spectacularly BAD)

Soooo when did Democrats decide they were totally into Jeff Sessions? Could it be they hate anyone and anything that is supportive of Trump and love anyone and anything who isn’t? Gosh, that seems like a seriously disingenuous platform to us.


For example, take a gander at this shot/chaser about Mueller from Kamala Harris:

Now, we write a lot about Kamala’s hypocrisy and BS, and we’ve shared a good deal of embarrassing tweets including many shots and chasers but in our opinion, this one may be her best (worst?) ever.

She’d either make a horrible or amazing car salesman (sales-woman?).

*shakes fist*

In other news, water is still wet.

Especially when your principles are all based on hating one person and his entire platform.


Ya’ think? Heh.

Oops indeed.

They don’t call ’em shots and chasers for nothin’.


It’s funny because it’s TRUE: Ben Shapiro uses Trump’s dig at Acosta as a ‘fact-check,’ triggers a whole LOTTA stupid

BOO HOO: Trump says he’s keeping Acosta and maybe others ‘in the penalty box’ and Jake Tapper can’t DEAL

He OWNS them! Antifa will HATE Sharyl Attkisson’s take about their attack on Tucker Carlson’s home

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