That feel when you come across a tweet from a Twitter rando that features a foul DM from Jim Acosta and you can’t believe it’s real so you write it off at first. But then you start reading through the feed and HOLY COW it seems real.
It started here.
@@CNN @CNNPolitics
— justin (@justincap_) October 19, 2018
What a lovely singing voice Jim must have.
.@Acosta you owe me an apology.
— justin (@justincap_) October 19, 2018
NOW, true story, screenshots like the one this tweep shared are very, very easy to manipulate so if this was the only thing on the thread we likely would have written it off. Oh, we’d have retweeted it and probably have pointed and laughed at Acosta, but write about it?
Eh. Probably not.
But then we saw this:
Hey buddy I thought you were an old friend from the campaign days. I’m so sorry. Hope I didn’t offend you. Have a good night and take care.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) October 19, 2018
And did a double take.
Ok, actually a triple take.
Name? Check. Handle? Check. Verified? Check.
So if he acknowledged that he sent it and apologized that probably makes it real, yes?
And then he blocked me.
— justin (@justincap_) October 19, 2018
Oh, and then there was this.
@Acosta care to comment?
— Michael Moates (@freedom_moates) October 19, 2018
He hasn’t said much on it since he apologized.
— BOO! CalCoconut (@TheCalCoconut) October 19, 2018
— Scott Faust (@Stultis_TheFool) October 19, 2018
Please make this your header photo
— nick (@NickChapman97) October 19, 2018
This is a very sad way for a member of the WH Press Corp to behave.
— Boris Epshteyn (@BorisEP) October 19, 2018
Can confirm that this is a real message:
— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) October 19, 2018
This appears to be the tweet that provoked it
— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) October 19, 2018
Awww, well that explains it. A little.
Who knew the ‘Dear Diary’ bit was so triggering for Acosta?
.@justincap_ allowed me to log into his account and view the message. Here's a screenshot I took
— Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) October 19, 2018
Awww CNN must be so proud.
He CAN’T be serious! Chuck Schumer tells a WHOPPER about GOP tax cuts (let the dragging begin!
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