Two years ago, when Trump beat Hillary, most everyone and anyone were saying that Trump was so unpopular all the Left had to do to win the midterms in 2018 was not be crazy.
That’s it. They didn’t even really need to come up with any brilliant policies or ideas … just don’t be batsh*t.
And like we’ve pointed out time and time again, they just couldn’t help themselves. Perhaps it’s because Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
For example, look at this insanity from Chelsea Handler:
If you are voting for guns, no healthcare, and condoned sexual assault, please don’t couch it in religion. There is one party which doesn’t want the rich to get richer and that cares about the lives of our children, and that doesn’t tell women how worthless they are.
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) October 17, 2018
We didn’t think it was possible but Chelsea just made the Left look even CRAZIER.
She’s a walking, talking ad for the GOP. ‘Do you really want THIS sort of lunatic having any sort of say-so in this country? No? VOTE GOP.’
“One party… that cares about the lives of our children”, but will gladly murder them in the womb if they are “inconvenient.
— Blaine Shores (@bdshores) October 17, 2018
But, it’s better to have them shot at school at 6 or 7? Get a grip
— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) October 17, 2018
Like we said, crazy.
You're the one who wants them left defenseless in school buildings. Ban all the guns you want sweetie. Ain't gonna stop criminals from getting guns.
— Whitney (@ksstormgal06) October 17, 2018
Chelsea still doesn’t get it.
Ask an adult about hyperbole.
Spell it out so you don’t embarrass yourself mispronouncing it.— Buttload the Usurper (@MetricButtload) October 17, 2018
For someone who doesn’t want the rich to get richer, you sure made a crapload of money with your Netflix deal.
— Matt Wilson (@lawyermatt) October 17, 2018
Don’t be silly, it’s ok for HER to make money. It’s just the rest of us who shouldn’t be so selfish.
Bill and Hillary are Democrats you know…
— Harry Gato (@harrygato) October 17, 2018
Weird, that party sure turned its back on Dr. Ford pretty damn quick after her political value evaporated. And given the money they're pumping into Beto O'Rourke's campaign someone is certainly getting richer and you're pro-abortion but supposedly care about kids? Please.
— Hey Bartender! (@Seabee201) October 17, 2018
‘Ford? Ford who?’ – Democrats
— Glen (@glenwilliams47) October 18, 2018
Democrats haven’t yet figured out that the crazier they act the more likely it is for independents and moderates to walk away from their party. The same independents and moderates they need to win next month.
Let’s not tell them.
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