If you think there is a special place in Hell for people who understand America is a Republic and not a Democracy you might need a little more fiber in your diet.
Or at least a break from Twitter.
Seriously, dude?
Sounds to us like someone is throwing a temper tantrum because he’s slowly but surely figuring out he picked the wrong team.
That or he’s just in a perpetual state of butthurt because he’s a Leftist.
Both statements could well be true.
Yes, Sean, WE’RE the dumb ones.
He should toss ‘Jesus’ into MORE of his tweets, it makes him seem so edgy.
The person who raises this distinction always thinks they’re teaching everyone in the room something. Everyone. Knows. This. Already. Just as they know a cheeseburger is also always a hamburger.
— Sean Illing (@seanilling) June 9, 2018
Sean, it seems far too many people do not understand the distinction.
You, for example.
TFW when a thread hijacked by MAGA enthusiasts gloriously proves my initial point. Direct democracy is not the only form. A republic is just a democracy in which people exercise power via representatives. But here's the super duper important part: IT'S STILL A DEMOCRACY.
— Sean Illing (@seanilling) June 9, 2018
TFW a guy is so owned on his own thread he tries desperately to pretend it’s a win.
This would be sad if he wasn’t so damn annoying.
Shockingly, all the actual political scientists in this thread agree. And all the blinkered trolls are furiously disagreeing with points we didn’t make, already understand, or are just wrong in the way the original post mocked. Twitter is so rad.
— Sean Illing (@seanilling) June 9, 2018
Oh Vox writers, never change.
Democracy is two wolves & a sheep deciding what's for dinner … A republic is two wolves & a sheep deciding what's for dinner but having an unchangeable law in place that they can't eat eachother
— Z1CK Z3MP3R TYR4NUS (@d0c_z1ck) June 9, 2018
In hell? You’re a little dramatic.
— Jennifer (@jenniferlee_75) June 9, 2018
A little?
Well, it’s quite a large distinction. Rather important depending on context of debate. Like the ole “Hillary should be potus” one.
— Cody, aight (@evans1371) June 9, 2018
Exactly. One of the biggest differences in a democracy and our representative republic is, oh, I don’t know… the Electoral College.
— moodyredhead (@moodyredhead) June 9, 2018
Well you certainly are failed professor. You don't even understand Civics bro. No wonder you write for Vox.
— Patrick (@batman1793) June 9, 2018
You should have stopped at “ Yes, there’s a technical distinction…”. Good try though ?
— Shaughn (@Shaughn_A) June 9, 2018
Gold star for effort.
The real reason @seanilling is trying to obfuscate the difference between a Republic and a Democracy: to continue to attack and undermine the Electoral College. pic.twitter.com/FMYKYb5BbB
— Bocephus (@lordthx1139) June 10, 2018
Well, now it all makes sense.
Yeah. The American founders were total idiots for agonizing over such "technical distinction[s]."
— Scott Faust (@Stultis_TheFool) June 9, 2018
Freakin’ James Madison!
Yikes, BACKFIRE! Alyssa Milano SO ENRAGED by Dana Loesch she accidentally proves #NoRA is all FAIL
This REALLY happened -> ‘WH’ tests PA system in press wing and completely TRIGGERS the media
Can’t fix STUPID! Alyssa Milano claiming victory over the NRA (again) results in HILARIOUS backfire
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