Earlier this week, it came out that the Maryland school shooter actually killed himself, and for whatever reason, this seemed like some sort of ‘gotcha’ point from Gun-Grabbers-R-Us. Joy Reid couldn’t wait to take a dig at Dana Loesch about this news because you know, Dana has somehow become responsible for each and every gun in this country.
What now, @DLoesch ? https://t.co/ZfXJcNOpsH
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) March 26, 2018
She’s referencing a tweet from Shannon Watts, which Dana probably couldn’t see anyway because Watts has her blocked … but whatevs.
Yes, the bad guy killed himself when the guard showed up and shot him at the exact same time. Not a deterrent? LOLok. https://t.co/HiRARDIV9Y
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 27, 2018
Guns! Eleventy!
Can’t be too many people who would use “LOL” in a tweet about murder, a police-involved shooting and a teenage suicide. But you do you. https://t.co/rAmnK0piDf
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) March 28, 2018
Joy. You know Dana was laughing at your logic and not the shooting.
FFS woman.
I’m clearly mocking the horrible reasoning like yours, Joy, but you do you and misrepresent it. Were it not for sensationalism and lies, you wouldn’t have any content for your low-rated program. https://t.co/rmeLlgSVWT
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 28, 2018
We got it.
And we imagine Joy did too, but she saw an opportunity to make Dana out to be a heartless ghoul so she took it.
On that note, you know Joy was making this exact face during this back and forth:
Hey, Joy made it personal.
I guess I could use a bump up to Youtube hourglass vids and selling super beet juice, yeah? Though even then I would never LOL teenage deaths. I'll leave that grubby business to you.
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) March 29, 2018
Double-digit ratings on MSNBC …
And there it is, the dig at Dana working in grassroots rather than mainstream media.
You’re so thin-skinned that when I dared mock your poor logic you had to lie and say I was mocking death. Lying about a tragedy to nurse your own pride is some sick stuff girl. What you’re selling is cheap, and I’m still not interested in buying.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 29, 2018
C’est boom.
Guess this was just too much because Joy’s fellow mean girl Stephanie Ruhle had to dogpile on:
If @DLoesch wants to delve into misrepresentations & sensationalism, why LIE about @JoyAnnReid’s ratings?
You can disagree with her point of view, but NOT her strong ratings which are currently doing one thing…CLIMBING
Congrats on the great success of @amjoyshow my friend https://t.co/p6VoAblcIf— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) March 29, 2018
Ruh-roh, don’t pick on MSNBC!
She didn’t have a “point of view,” she lied. You sanction it because of your political partisanship. That sensationalism is on you.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 29, 2018
Hard truth here.
I weighed in on NO position.The freedom to respectfully express our views is a great American honor.Understanding another person’s position makes us smarter & better. But why on earth LIE about @JoyAnnReid’s ratings?
Opinions & interpretations differ.
Viewership #s are FACTS— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) March 29, 2018
Would someone please get Stephanie the tiniest violin in the world? Wow.
Why on earth lie about my remark? It’s disingenuous to sanction a lie by calling it “interpretation.” That was neither respectful nor honorable.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 29, 2018
It was a cheap dig.
Nothing more.
Stephanie you are a gem. xo!
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) March 29, 2018
Awww, how adorable, she’s thanking Stephanie for helping her attack Dana’s character and then bailing her out.
— Stephanie Ruhle (@SRuhle) March 29, 2018
In summation:
MSNBC is very sensitive to any mocking of their ratings or programming so please don’t do that or they’ll Tweet at you all night.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 29, 2018
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