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'Worst tweet I've SEEN.' Mary Katharine Ham WALLOPS Shannon Watts for ugly attack on Bethany Mandel

As Twitchy reported, gun-grabber and chief vulture Shannon Watts attacked Bethany Mandel (Shondark) over a piece she wrote about a very personal experience as a child that inspired her to carry as a mom. Bethany’s story truly illustrated the love a mother has for her child and the lengths she will go to in order to protect them (this editor may have teared up a little reading it, just sayin’).


A touching story about a mother protecting her child with a firearm completely enraged Watts who went on some bizarre rant and attacked Bethany, ultimately calling her a racist.

No, we’re not making this up.

Hardscrabble background? WTH is that?

So basically, since Bethany is not a woman of color her experiences as a child, as rough as they may have been, don’t count.



Of course Watts had to denigrate Bethany, her story contradicts everything her Moms Demand group has been peddling for the past few years.


That’s putting it mildly.

Which is probably why she deleted it, but as we all know, tweets are FOREVER.

We are as well, and that says a lot considering the number of horrible tweets we read on a daily basis.

Well, we’re pretty sure Watts is insane so that would make sense.



Shannon Watts dismisses woman’s story of a home intruder as an anecdote of ‘fear and paranoia’

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