It’s super simple, people.
Alyssa Milano will block you if you show up on her timeline with any kind of bigotry or hate.
Listen, it’s super simple, if you show up in my timeline with any kind of bigotry or hate, I will block you.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) February 4, 2018
Of course, considering she’s a Lefty, simply disagreeing with her probably makes you a hater and a bigot in her eyes but still.
Seems an awful lot like living in a bubble to us.
You're lucky the reverse isn't true, or you'd lose most of your followers…
— Harry Gato (@harrygato) February 4, 2018
Now now, if the haters and bigots agree with her that’s different.
But you spread constant hate. So that’s ok then right?
— Susan (@SusieQknows) February 4, 2018
The hate she spreads is for the greater good or something. You know, like advocating against bans that would end the slaughter of innocent unborn babies after 20 weeks … that was GOOD hate.
I would never block you, Alyssa. Your timeline is a gold mine of comedic treasure.
— Blue State Snooze (@BlueSnoozeBlue) February 4, 2018
We’d never block her either, she always manages to provide us with a ton of fun content.
Should we say the same thing when you put down our president
— Natalie L. (@ltl_nat) February 4, 2018
Nah, he deserves it. *eye roll*
Or she just assumes everyone who disagrees with her ideas are haters and bigots so she blocks them and then pats herself on the back for making Twitter a better place.
Curious, what is your criteria for what constitutes bigotry and hate? Someone who simply disagrees with you? Or do conservatives/Republicans automatically gets labeled as bigots and haters?
— The_Kat™ (@The_Kat_Roars) February 4, 2018
All kinds of hate?
Because I use that word *a lot*…
I hate standing
I hate being cold
Rn I hate hate hate my ruptured knee
I hate that we’ve never met
I hate when my dogs go in the houseI’m sure I can come up with more…but these drugs are making me drowsy. Tootles!
— Jared (@jaredstill) February 4, 2018
When are you blocking yourself? You say some pretty hateful things about people who don’t fall in line with your way of thinking.
— Mr. Stubborn (@obdurate_one) February 4, 2018
Huh, this seems to have backfired a bit on Alyssa.
Wonder how many of these people she blocked?
Wonder when she’ll block us?
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