Sarah Sanders takes a lot of crap from people in the media, in Hollywood and other progressives because she’s fearless and refuses to be intimidated. Even if you’re not a Trump fan, watching Sanders nuke the media during press conferences and also on Twitter is pretty damn spectacular.
Take for example, this, ‘I’m old enough to remember’ tweet about Trump, Obama, and the current economy.
I'm old enough to remember when President Trump's election was going to "crash the market." One year later: market up over 30%, two million new jobs & 1,000 new manufacturing jobs created every day just last month…and now Obama wants credit for the booming Trump economy.
— Stephanie Grisham (@PressSec) December 10, 2017
Remember how Obama was never to blame for anything? Even during his last year in office, he was blaming Trump, Cruz, Rubio, and even Bush. What, and now that he’s out of office he wants to pretend he made this economy happen?
Exactly. The hypocrisy is unbelievable
— Nick Flor-ProfessorF (@ProfessorF) December 11, 2017
And if you want to see something REALLY pathetic, look at the freakout her little tweet caused the Left:
Bottom Line: Trump has been standing on Obama's shoulders for 10 months, taking credit for continuation of 8-year economic recovery.
But the #TrumpCon–#GOPTaxScam, which would restore failed trickle-down policies that led to Great Recession, could bring it all tumbling down.
— Obama Economic Legacy (@DemDifference) December 10, 2017
Oh look, a graph.
I'm old enough to remember when the Press Secretary didn't lie to the American Public every day?♂️
— Justin Hardie (@OrangeHardie) December 10, 2017
I'm old enough to remember when White House Press Secretaries were not pathological liars.
— Ken Pa… The corner is around the corner. (@KennethHeer) December 11, 2017
Gibbs? Earnest? Really?
How do you sleep at night
— Scooter Trash (@stevekmartin) December 10, 2017
Quite well.
So why do we need a tax cut?
— Bruce Bartlett (@BruceBartlett) December 10, 2017
Democrats. *eye roll*
Something tells me you might regret tweeting this…
— Michael Gallant (@MikeJGallant) December 10, 2017
Don’t think so, Skippy.
Take a moment and read the Tweets from the Trump supporters in this thread. For the most part, all they do is retweet others..not an original thought from any of them. They’re the proverbial sheep, being led about by the nose by Trump and his criminal family.
— (((Curt))) (@Cloudtreker321) December 11, 2017
Hey, we know, let’s have a spelling contest.
History will be very unkind to you for your disgusting attacks on Obama, I'm sure of it.
— Joy Silha (@JoySilha) December 11, 2017
Move ON Democrats, you lost.
And remember what Obama said, ‘Elections have consequences.’
PERFECT! Trump tweet to Chelsea Handler in 2012 may be the REAL reason she hates him so much
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