For some bizarre reason only Leftists may understand, Boston Globe columnist Michael Cohen took issue with the 7th Inning Stretch being a time to honor our military during the All Star Game.
Just once I want the group honored during the 7th inning stretch not be the military, but public defenders, social workers & journalists
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
Public defenders, social workers and journalists … really?
Several people disagreed with Cohen, particularly regarding journalists. He replied by listing journalists who have been killed in the field.
To folks on my TL who think honoring journalists is silly
James Foley
Luke Somers
Marie Colvin
Tim Hetherington
Anthony Shadid
David Gilkey— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
Imagine if someone tried to list every name of the men and women who have given their lives for this country.
Hallmark may be coming out with a line of cards just for those dumpster fires.
Hate the player, not the game
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
*eye roll*
Oh FFS. Public Defenders, Social Workers & Journalists? Seriously?
— Mickey White (@BiasedGirl) July 13, 2016
Sadly, he is serious.
Did I forget to mention abortion providers?
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
Cohen went on to list other groups of people he believes deserve more respect than our military.
I should have mentioned teachers too … and the ACLU
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
The ACLU? Please.
Because the only way to defend our basic freedoms, like the right to a fair trial, is getting a limb shot off.
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
Not what he said but hey, how many reporters live with a disability they acquired serving this country and protecting her people?
Tis part of a larger problem: "support your troops" has moved far beyond that to elevating troops beyond all else
— Steve Saideman (@smsaideman) July 13, 2016
Elevating our troops is a problem? Fascinating.
Right. It's as if the military is the only group in America that defends our freedoms
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
They are on the front line, without our military those groups you want honored wouldn’t have a chance.
It's the kind of thing Bacevich writes abt all the time. We think "honoring" the vets absolves support for dumb wars
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
Dumb wars. Lefties gonna lefty.
It's funny, but whenever I tweet this, veterans are often the first ones to RT it. It's the non-vets who freak out
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
Most veterans see themselves as humble protectors of this country and don’t expect us to show them our respect and gratitude, which is why it’s so important that we do.
After taking much flack for his tweet, Cohen did eventually say this:
FTR I certainly think military should be honored for their sacrifice. Other Americans deserve acknowledgement too
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) July 13, 2016
Which unfortunately proves he still missed the point.
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