Ex EPA Chief of Staff Wipes the Smug Off Dem Rep. Raskin's Face...
Kamala's LIES: Pro-Harris Account Thinks They Can Pass Old Clip of Rubio As...
Harris Camp Challenges Opponent to CNN Debate Just Like the One Trump 'Said...
The Trump Campaign Needs to Put This 'Kamala's Wins' Endorsement Brag in an...
THUD: Mich. Dems Rushing to Rashida Tlaib's Defense Against a Cartoon Trip Hard...
IRS Agents' Union Thanks Kamala Harris for 'Inflation Reduction Act' Money With an...
Twitter Laughs as Rashida Tlaib Denounces Cartoon That Accurately Captures Her Hateful Ide...
Harris Campaign Keeps Trying to Make Distance From Biden and the POTUS Account...
Kamala Says Freedom Is Ours 'By Right' (Except for Speech, Guns and Whatever...
Eco Loon Wants to Destroy Your Quality of Life With Communal Kitchens and...
Insufferable Scold AOC Gets SCHOOLED About 'Islamophobia' After Whining About Political Ca...
Riley Gaines' Calls Out MT Dem Jon Tester for Failing Women, Paying College...
FANNING THE FLAMES: Democrats Continue to Call Trump a 'Threat' Despite TWO Assassination...
Team Kamala Tells Jake Tapper Her Schedule is Much Too Busy to Take...
OH REALLY NOW? Kamala Harris Blamed Inflation on 'Price Gouging', Admits VERY FEW...

WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS?! Chelsea Handler shares two pics of her celebrating the fact she voted and OMG OUR EYES

Funny how an election brings out the tried and true crazies from 2016. Today we’ve written about John Fugelsang, Sally Kohn, and now Chelsea Handler. Truth be told, when this terrifying image crossed our feed we almost didn’t write about it because well … it’s a topless Chelsea Handler.

But then we decided if we have to see it so do you.

We’re givers that way.

Leave it to Chelsea … yikes.

That picture alone should be a federal crime.


Notice, even a person with a wave emoji and ‘dump Trump’ in her bio was pretty grossed out by this.

Yes, yes she is.



Tension BREAKER! Had to be done! Video telling Canadians NOT to vote is one of the funniest damn things you’ll see today (watch)

Shady AF! Democratic committeewoman in N. Philly wearing a Biden mask blocks certified GOP poll watchers (watch)

‘PROUDLY voting Trump this year’: Reagan Battalion’s thread of 2016 #NeverTrump voters who are voting Trump NOW should terrify Democrats


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