Ex EPA Chief of Staff Wipes the Smug Off Dem Rep. Raskin's Face...
Kamala's LIES: Pro-Harris Account Thinks They Can Pass Old Clip of Rubio As...
Harris Camp Challenges Opponent to CNN Debate Just Like the One Trump 'Said...
The Trump Campaign Needs to Put This 'Kamala's Wins' Endorsement Brag in an...
THUD: Mich. Dems Rushing to Rashida Tlaib's Defense Against a Cartoon Trip Hard...
IRS Agents' Union Thanks Kamala Harris for 'Inflation Reduction Act' Money With an...
Twitter Laughs as Rashida Tlaib Denounces Cartoon That Accurately Captures Her Hateful Ide...
Harris Campaign Keeps Trying to Make Distance From Biden and the POTUS Account...
Kamala Says Freedom Is Ours 'By Right' (Except for Speech, Guns and Whatever...
Eco Loon Wants to Destroy Your Quality of Life With Communal Kitchens and...
Insufferable Scold AOC Gets SCHOOLED About 'Islamophobia' After Whining About Political Ca...
Riley Gaines' Calls Out MT Dem Jon Tester for Failing Women, Paying College...
FANNING THE FLAMES: Democrats Continue to Call Trump a 'Threat' Despite TWO Assassination...
Team Kamala Tells Jake Tapper Her Schedule is Much Too Busy to Take...
OH REALLY NOW? Kamala Harris Blamed Inflation on 'Price Gouging', Admits VERY FEW...

'But peaceful Trump caravans with big scary flags!' EPIC video-thread shows REAL violence in America and it AIN'T Trump supporters

Media trying to pretend Trump supporters are the violent ones? That businesses in San Francisco, DC, Chicago, and other blue cities are boarding up because Trump losing will cause the Right to suddenly come unglued and start looting businesses and destroying property?


GTFO with that.

Hey, if they need a reminder of who is responsible for the REAl violence in America, they need only take a look at this thread.

Warning, some of these images and words are graphic and not necessarily safe for work.

Look at those big, mean, violent Trump supporters.

Oh, wait.

Trump supporters throwing rocks at the police.

Oh … nope.

EEK! Trump supporters setting fires.



Look at that Trump supporter beating up a Biden supporter.

Wrong again.


This one is the worst.

And that obnoxious woman screaming at him to ‘cry about it’ after he gets punched in the face?


Not a Trump supporter.

Endless violence and destruction.

But you know, tell us more about the mean trucks in Texas.


Right?! Those trucks with evil flags are super scary and stuff.



‘The gay Left is in TOTAL panic’: Richard Grenell has even MORE bad news for the Biden campaign about the polls and this one is YUGE

‘Voting Trump ALL the way, baby’! We’re not sure WTF Lady Gaga was trying to do in her camo/beer/truck video but pretty sure it BACKFIRED

‘What the HELL, SNL?! My heart just SANK!’ SNL basically throws in the towel for Joe Biden and the Left seriously can’t DEAL

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