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Ben Rhodes bragging about his 3-year-old daughter dancing in a mask in 80 degree heat to shame Trump BACKFIRES bigly

Ben Rhodes thought telling Twitter that he forced his three-year-old daughter to wear a mask outside dancing in 80-degree heat was somehow a dunk on people who don’t want to wear masks. Particularly people in the White House.


This was not the slam Ben thought it was.

This editor’s 13-year-old son laughed his arse off watching the video of Ben Rhodes weeping the night Trump won the election.

These people.


This proves he doesn’t get the point that using his daughter to make a political statement is what people were dropping bombs on him over. Not that his daughter was forced to wear a mask. Obama sure could pick ’em.

Oh, and about that temperature:

We suppose Ben’s daughter could have been dancing somewhere else?


There it is.

Odd that we had to spell it out for him.


Annnd we’re officially dead now.

Thanks, Twitter person.

The moral of the story, boys and girls.

Right there.



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