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Roseanne 'The Only Thing Missing in This Meme Is Me'

AP Photo/Julie Jacobson

As more and more people leave the Party of the Left, we continue to hear how those who choose to leave are too far to the right. The left doesn't seem to understand that these people aren't leaving the party; the party is leaving them.


This meme shared by Roseanne is one of the best illustrations of The Democratic Party today.

From people on the outside looking in, this is a very astute synopsis. One has to wonder why it is so hard for those still within the party to see it.

From your keyboard to God's monitor, friend!

That's going to leave a mark.

Please let this be true!


How many people used to feel like the guy in the middle?

Just the writer?

That's okay!

This concludes the more serious side of this thread; now it's time for the lighter side.

Oh, come on, it's a story about Roseanne! 

Is there a meme maker in the house?

Um ...

This is where we leave you, dear reader. The world is a crazy place right now. However, this is just a reminder to find something that makes you smile daily. 

Oh, and meme checkpoint!

Please leave your beautiful memes in an orderly stack as you go.

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