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We Interrupt Your Doom Scrolling to Remind You Humans Still Have the Pioneer Spirit

Craig Bailey/Florida Today via AP

God bless Elon Musk! Lately, it seems everyone feels we're moments away from the doomsday clock rolling over to midnight. Then comes the world's modern-day DaVinci, reminding us that there is still wonder to behold even today.


This writer grew up in a time when we expected to be exploring deep space and piloting our very own flying cars by now. Most in that generation had given up hope for that beautiful future dream. 

Then enter Mr. Musk.

Now more than ever, we must remember who we are at heart.

It's way past time.

Red planet or bust!

Well, a Walkman worked for Starlord, so ...


Elon may be the hero we need in this moment.



It only takes one man to spark our imagination, and Elon has done it.




This is just a reminder that no matter how dark things seem at this moment or how long the night seems, there is always light. The dawn always comes. Never forget who we are at our core, dear reader. We are all stardust, and to the stars, we long to return.

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