David Clarke is the straight-shooting Democrat sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, who has defied gun-grabber Michael Bloomberg and the liberal establishment. He beat back Bloomberg’s deep-pocketed attempt to unseat him. And he continues to tell it like it is in his community, on the airwaves, and in social media.
God bless you, Sheriff, and keep standing up for common sense and decency in 2015!
http://t.co/mIf3S6W4aQ Here is a way out of the mess fueled by Pres Obama, AG Holder, Mayor de Blasio who benefited politically from this.
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) December 23, 2014
http://t.co/uoPyoOqPsc This pathway was created by Obama, Holder, de Blasio to unjustified cop hatred by crazies. I'll make them own this.
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) December 24, 2014
http://t.co/H4XzpVH9BL To cop-haters. This would happen routinely without the police. It's called anarchy. Without us who would investigate?
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) December 24, 2014
Anyone who thinks this anarchist assault on the police is about police treatment better wake up. It is a war by socialists on our democracy.
— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) December 24, 2014
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