Congrats, indeed! Twitchy was already proud to be part of a pretty impressive conservative media empire. And now Salem’s Townhall has its first White House correspondent.
Big congrats to @conncarroll for becoming @townhallcom's first WH correspondent! -> #DC
— Cortney O'Brien (@obrienc2) January 9, 2015
Well done, Conn. Boy, this will be fun:
A question that should get asked:
We vote a staggering lack of self-awareness along the lines of the other snippet from the State of the Union address that caused heads to “explode.”
Do you want that question asked? What else would YOU, dear Twitchy readers, ask press secretary Josh Earnest? Now is your chance: Please send any questions to @TwitchyTeam using the hashtag #TownhallAskEarnest. We will highlight the best of them next week and pass them over to White House correspondent Conn Carroll. The Obama administration won’t like tough questions, as you know. Let’s make sure to ask them.
In the meantime:
#FF our new WH correspondent @conncarroll
— Matt Vespa (@mVespa1) January 9, 2015
We look forward to hearing your questions and are already giggling madly with anticipation.
Update: Keep your questions coming and we will feature the best every week.
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